Do You Know the Biochemical Reasons for Why You’re Not Losing Weight?

June 9, 2015   |   1 Comment   |   1

If you’ve ever attempted to lose weight before you’ve most likely been told the only way to do it is to eat healthier and move more, right? Then why do dieting and exercising not automatically lead to weight loss success? Why do more people more often than not fail miserably at losing weight and/or keeping it off? Because they don’t understand there is an underlying biochemical reason for their body’s inability to lose weight.

The key to weight loss lies within our hormones, and when these hormones are out of balance, losing weight is next to impossible. While no one can overcome biology, there are ways we can balance our hormones and make weight loss much simpler.


Ghrelin is a really important hormone to talk about because it’s the one that causes us to feel hungry. When we lower our levels of ghrelin we reduce our hunger pains as well as our cravings for junk food and so we naturally eat less and eat better. These levels automatically go down for about three hours after we eat.

But this hormone does much more it turns out than make us feel hungry. According to research done at the Metabolic Research Laboratory of the University Hospital of Navarra, ghrelin is responsible for the accumulation of fat in our abdominal region which is considered to be the most harmful.

It can also promote fatty liver which increases the risk of developing resistance to insulin which sets the body up for metabolic syndrome. Intense exercise naturally decreases our ghrelin levels so you’d better sign up for the nearest boot camp.


Whereas ghrelin increases your appetite, leptin is a natural appetite suppressor. This is the critical hormone that signals your body that you have had enough and it can stop eating. This hormone is actually made in the body’s fat tissue and also plays an important role in regulating energy intake and output.

Many of the foods we eat can decrease or increase the levels of leptin in the body, so the key is to obviously know which foods to eat and which to avoid.

There has been a rise of leptin resistance incidences and research points to problematic nutrients in our modern diet that were not in our ancestors’ such as lectins found in grains and legumes and low-nutrient foods like soda, refined flours and sugar. Leptin resistance is similar to type 2 diabetes. While obese people have actually been found to have high levels of leptin in their blood, they are resistant to the effects of it.

To increase your levels of leptin and/or your sensitivity to it, make sure to eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods like berries and dark leafy greens. Also, losing weight enhances leptin sensitivity. Kind of a catch 22 but there it is. There are also supplements such as this one which are scientifically-backed to increase your bodies production of, and sensitivity to, leptin.


Adiponetin enhances your muscle’s ability to use carbohydrates for energy. It also boosts your metabolism, increases the rate in which your body breaks down fat, and curbs your appetite. You could say it’s a really important hormone for weight loss.

If you want to increase your levels of this powerhouse hormone, move more throughout the day and replace your carbohydrate intake with monounsaturated fats such as avocados and olives.


Insulin not only maintains optimal blood sugar levels in your body, it also helps you build lean muscles and is important in recovery from exercise. But, as you may very well know by now, increased insulin levels inhibit the body’s ability to utilize stored fat.

To get your insulin levels in check, limit your grains and starches and try and get most of your carbohydrate intake from vegetables.


This hormone is responsible for breaking down stored carbohydrates and fats and releasing them into your bloodstream as energy. The best way to increase your glycogen levels is to eat a protein-rich, low carbohydrate diet.


CCK is short for Cholecystokinin. This hormone is made in the cells of your intestines and gets released anytime you eat protein or fat and it signals your nervous system to tell the rest of your body that you are satiated. It also sends signals to your stomach to slow the rate of digestion so you ultimately feel fuller longer. Want to leverage this critical hormone? Eat fat and protein at every meal.


This is your “fight or flight” hormone and it’s responsible for burning fat and releasing energy so if you have to run from a bear you have the energy to run for your life. This hormone can also help with appetite suppression. The best way to release more epinephrine is to exercise with a particular focus on interval training.

Growth Hormone

This hormone is considered to be the fountain of youth by many people but one of the biggest things growth hormone does is aids in fat loss specifically by mingling with fat cells and “convincing” them to break down and burn stored fat as fuel.

If you want to increase growth hormone you can do so through intense exercise like circuit training and getting more sleep. So basically train hard and then get some rest.

Biohack Your Hormones

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but biohacking simply means convincing your body to do something you want it to do. It’s a method you may have never heard about but professional trainers – you know the ones who help celebrities get flawless bodies – use it every day.

When you learn how to biohack your hormones you essentially can start burning fat around the clock, even while you are sleeping. Biohacking is a way to turn your body into a literal fat-burning machine by eating certain foods that naturally increase your fat-burning hormones. Simple.

How great would it be if your body automatically knew that all of your stored body fat on your stomach, thighs, arms and back was available fuel to burn?

Sound too good to be true?

Then you’ll want to meet “Big John” (maybe you’ve already seen him on NBC, CBS or the Martha Stewart Show) a guy who has helped thousands of ordinary people lose weight once and for all by teaching them what to eat and when so they biohack their hormones for fast and easy weight loss.

Check out what John has to say here…

1 Comment

  1. Wanda

    August 21, 2015 Reply

    , but worded much, much betetr, what I have spent the last year saying to every friend, family member and co-workers who keeps telling me they are on a diet and how much weight they are losing through their all I've had today is a carrot and a Lean Cusine approach. I don't know how 1200 & 1500 calories became magical one-size-fits-all no- matter-what-your-starting-weight numbers, but I know from previous personal experience and the experiences of those around me that what you've said is dead spot on.

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