If you suffer from joint pain you are definitely not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50 million adults in this country suffer from arthritis. To put that into more perspective, that’s roughly one in five people over the age of 18 that deal with some form of arthritis on a daily basis.
What Causes Arthritis and Joint Pain?
Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, occurs when the cartilage between your bones and joints wears down. With the protective, cushy cartilage gone, or nearly gone, your bones are allowed to rub together, causing pain and stiffness.
Cartilage is made up of collagen. A we age, we produce less and less collagen, and this affects our skin, cartilage and muscle mass.
Unfortunately, many people turn to NSAIDS for pain relief. But NSAIDS such as Tylenol and Advil come with nasty side effects. Plus, these “solutions” don’t get to the root of the problem, but only attempt to mask symptoms.
A better alternative is to try natural solutions for joint pain and stiffness. Many people have found relief using one or more of the following natural joint pain remedies:
1. Staying Active
When your joints are stiff and achy, the last thing you feel like doing is exercising, but physical activity is incredibly important for joint health in the long run. In fact, many experts believe that exercise is the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and improving mobility. Exercise helps to reduce inflammation and strengthen the muscles around your joints, which offers added support and less strain. That’s a one-two punch.
You should aim to perform at least two hours of moderate-intensity exercise or one hour of vigorous-intensity exercise every week. Having said that, when it comes to arthritis pain, there are some exercises that are more appropriate than others. Stretching is key and can help you to improve your flexibility and range of motion. Brisk walking is gentle on your joints and great for your heart. Aerobic exercises like bicycling and swimming build strength and endurance, and strength training with weights will build muscle and bone mass.
2. Use a Powerful Essential Oil
Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, has been used for thousands of years to reduce inflammation. According to the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Boswellia oil is has the ability to reduce arthritis pain in a few different ways: by supporting overall immune function, reducing cytokine production (the mechanism by which inflammation occurs), and helping to regulate lymphocytes (white blood cells) and T-cells interactions, and reducing autoimmune effects related to immunoglobulin G antibodies.
Boswellia comes in several concentrated forms, but one of the easiest to use is an oil that can be rubbed into painful areas. Boswellia extract is so powerful that today it’s considered comparable to (but safer than) NSAID pain relievers.
3. Maintain a Healthy Weight
You’re probably aware that the more weight you have on your body, the more strain is put on your joints. But what you may not be aware of is that fat is what is considered an active tissue. This means it has the ability to create and release hormones and chemicals, some of which promote inflammation in the body.
The University of Michigan School of Public Health reports, “Adipose tissue, once considered a passive storage portal of energy, is now recognized as a highly metabolic endocrine organ with the capacity to secrete active agents including adipocytokines, such as leptin, resistin and adiponectin. Over the past decade, interest in these adipocytokines has quickly become an area of intense study with respect to osteoarthritis based on evidence that they may play an important role in cartilage homeostasis and because of their emerging potential as therapeutic targets.”
The bottom line is, the more fat you have on your body, the more chance you have for developing painful inflammation. So, if you are overweight, be sure to exercise and eat right so you can maintain a healthy weight.
And speaking of eating right…
4. Clean Up Your Diet
You absolutely must cut out sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet. These only promote inflammation and weight gain, which promotes even more inflammation! Stick to eating only whole foods like meats, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables. And, try to incorporate foods and spices that help treat joint pain and stiffness:
- Omega-3 foods: Found in cold water fish such as salmon and sardines, omega-3s are fantastic for lowering inflammation. Other sources include flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts – but fish (and a quality omega-3 supplement) are your best bet.
- Bone Broth: Both broth is one of the best natural sources of collagen, the material your body needs to build cartilage. Bone broth also supplies glucosamine and chondroitin, both of which help lower inflammation and fight arthritis pain.
- Turmeric and Ginger: Ginger contains powerful chemicals that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. And over 100 active compounds within turmeric (most notably curcumin) have been shown to be powerful agents against the pain and stiffness of arthritis. So try adding more to your diet and consider taking them in supplement form for added potency.
5. Discover The Joint Pain Solution
While the above listed solutions are powerful, they are only a handful of the ways you can relieve the pain and stiffness from your joint pain once and for all. If you’d like to learn about even more powerful ways to get rid of your pain and stiffness for good, we invite you to discover the Joint Pain Solution.
What’s special about The Joint Pain Solution is that it is a roadmap developed by a physician to treat his own arthritis pain. He has been free of joint pain and stiffness for years, and he would love to share with you exactly how he did it.
Pick up your copy of The Joint Pain Solution today – Click Here.
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