Dr. Marlene’s 3 Blood Pressure Tips

July 23, 2019   |   61 Comments   |   127

Please enjoy this short video that reveals 3 easy tips for getting — and keeping — your blood pressure in the normal range. These 3 tips are from my Blood Pressure Solution book and are easy to do. Try to do them daily, then just watch what happens to your blood pressure!


  1. Gladys

    October 28, 2024 Reply

    Looking forward to lowering my BP it's been very on a roller coaster .Thank you for the tips.

  2. millie

    October 17, 2024 Reply

    I'm 79 and will turn 80 in a few months. I was drug free until Easter Sunday, when I had a mild stroke. While being examined, I found I had other challenges; kidney stones, diabetics, high blood pressure, and an aneurism. I was inundated with numerous clumps of drugs, which I hated. I started walking and changed my eating habits. I found Dr Marlene after I was taken off of one drug. I believe in natural healing and eating whole food (real food), so I'm on my way to ditching the rest.

  3. Elizabeth Grimmond

    September 26, 2024 Reply

    Laying off low-fat/non-fat foods is surprising and a habit I will definitely have to unlearn. What about sugar-free? I imagine those products are full of ghastly replacements. I look forward to getting my book and learning more. Thanks for staying in touch with tips and reminders!

  4. Romaine

    September 16, 2024 Reply

    Looking forward to receiving my new Blood Pressure Solution book and thank you Dr. Marlene for reaching out with 3 tips.

  5. Karen

    August 31, 2024 Reply

    Looking forward to getting your book! Thanks for the 3 starter tips.

  6. Kenroy

    April 22, 2024 Reply

    I'm a new subscriber to the Blood pressure solution, and hope to get the results I need. I'm very excited to start to get my blood pressure down. Thanks for all you do to help us all.

  7. Penny Fletcher

    March 18, 2024 Reply

    I started the diet yesterday with the beet-rutabaga & carrot and cod recipes. SOO good. I am 78 (for another few months!) and was a reporter till I had a wreck in 2016 and have had 4 surgeries. I still work as a writer and editor- online so I sit a lot. I am on 8 drugs, BP is around (sometimes more than) 200/100 (upon waking) for 2 years and they can't find a reason with all the tests. And I mean ALL. I know this combo of drugs and illnesses is sapping my strength- and mental abilities. I had to stop gyms 2 years ago after colon surgery gave me vaginal prolapse. (Should have sued. I can see that surgeon didn't klnow all my female organs were gone and there was nowhere to hitch up mesh). My orthos were great though. I am half rods and screws in my legs and one shoulder. I am trusting my gut to follow your plan. And yes, I have also ordered Dr Ben Carson's vessel cleansing drops. I just KNOW all this makes sense. I should have started your diet in my 40s when I started metformin and statins- I want off those first! Thank you so much Dr Marlene. I am already a fan.

  8. Susan

    December 22, 2023 Reply

    Thanks for the info. Eating 3 hours is a new one. Looking forward to your book.

  9. Ruth Swanson

    September 5, 2023 Reply

    I think what gets my bp up is getting my psoriasis under control. I recently had blood work done, an IGg test. I now have been eliminating dairy and eggs which were high on the inflammation list, also gluten. Looking to incorporate this new advice from you. Thanks so much!

  10. Vincent Kalman

    March 25, 2023 Reply

    Great advice Thank you

  11. wiley dean

    February 11, 2023 Reply

    thanks for all your information i will be glad to get your book

  12. Vickie H

    October 31, 2022 Reply

    Thanks! I was low carbing and like an idiot stopped to enjoy Halloween candy. Big mistake. BP went from 119/70 to 200/80. I called 911 and ambulance came. Didn’t go to EMS, looked you up. I will follow this rule from now on and thanks for the advice. I won’t have any problems with those 69 carbs at all, and at 71 years old, I appreciate this advice. Thanks again!

  13. Elaine

    March 21, 2022 Reply

    I was very whappy to listen to your video. Even though I have been exercising,
    swimming, watching my diet, vitamins. for over 50 years, I still was admitted
    to hospital in November with 3 tiny strokes high BP, high cholesterol. Thankfully
    I will make a complete recovery. I was sent home with a statin, BP meds, loop
    recorder to monitor for afib and a blood thinner. I am monitoring BP carefully and have cut my BP med in half. I am including Asian herbs and reading everything that comes across my iPad so I can get off theses meds. taking chia and flax seed in myyogurt. I was so happy to hear your video. Rethinking many things. Thank you for yourhelpful information. I am a retired RN

  14. Claudia Rouse

    March 11, 2022 Reply

    I can't wait to get my book. This will be the hardest thing I've ever tried. I have never been on a diet before. I'm just here for my BP.

  15. gilberto

    February 21, 2022 Reply

    Excited to get started today!

  16. gerald l

    February 8, 2022 Reply

    THANKS for the uptick!!! Got rid of three of the four.!!!

  17. gerald l

    February 8, 2022 Reply

    WOW!!! thanks for the uptick. got rid of three of the four....

  18. Chris Lauzen

    February 8, 2022 Reply

    Thank you for tackling this important area...and being so personable and pleasant.

  19. Karen Munro

    February 4, 2022 Reply

    I can barely wait to get your book and read it! I was so excited to hear all sorts of great clues to leaving a few drugs behind me. A couple I take really are scarry to me and I wish I had never started taking them. My doctor is a well taught man but I take way too many RX's! Thank you for all the work you have put into your books etc.
    < Karen M

  20. Ralph Taylor

    January 27, 2022 Reply

    Waiting for my book to arrive. I am a bit skeptical about all of this, but I hope the doc's program works. My BP lately has been 195/107. I think I am a candidate for a serious health problem, so I am very motivated to follow the doc's teachings. I hope it all works.

  21. Cleo Lampos

    January 27, 2022 Reply

    Very excited to get the book and try out all of the suggestions.
    This sounds like a very logical plan and will be possible to implement.
    Thanks for the encouragement. And personal involvement.

  22. Valerie Okonweze

    March 15, 2021 Reply

    Thanks for the great tips. Looking forward to getting my book!

  23. Debbie Fenning-Edmonson

    March 15, 2021 Reply

    OMG! 60 grams of carbs per day is going to be a BIG change in my diet! I'll be looking for your book & the supplements in the mail - gonna need all the help I can get!

  24. Karen

    March 14, 2021 Reply

    I, am also looking forward to receiving my book :)!
    I am unable to eat nuts, any pork, cauliflower, or sunflower oils. I am sure that I eat too many carbs. Have never ever liked low fat or the idea of low fat. Have two family members that have had brain aneurisms (thankfully, both survived) and one that had center of the brain stroke. So, in my low 50’s now, feeling like it’s pretty important that I finally get my BP down.
    Gotta send out a thank you to Dr. Marlene for sharing :)!

  25. Pat Craft

    March 14, 2021 Reply

    Looking forward to your book and e-mails!

  26. Alvin Speigner

    March 6, 2021 Reply

    Thank you for book. Waiting for it. Hope I can get off the 4th worst BP pill.

  27. K. Harrison

    March 1, 2021 Reply

    I'm excited about this new health journey and glad to see others who validate my concerns and desire to live naturally as we should without all the meds.
    Thanks Dr. M you are truly a life saver!

  28. Avis

    March 1, 2021 Reply

    Thank you Dr. Marlene for the tips I received today along with other information I have received previously. I listened to your ad over the internet and found it very informative.
    Looking forward to partnering with you on this journey. I am ready to commit so that I will achieve the results that I desire. Thanks again!

  29. Vicki

    February 25, 2021 Reply

    Love having GOOOOOd starting points!

  30. Ruth Scott

    February 24, 2021 Reply

    Even those three (3) tips are an exciting start! I really look forward to getting the Blood Pressure Book and really getting some results!. Thank you.

  31. Joel

    February 24, 2021 Reply

    Looking forward to getting off these meds

  32. Brenda

    February 22, 2021 Reply

    Just getting started... I really want off this blood pressure medicine. Thank you for helping.

  33. Stanley

    February 17, 2021 Reply

    Hey there doc just wanted to thank you for all you do

  34. Pauline Liedel

    February 16, 2021 Reply

    Thanks for the three tips. I should receive my book any
    day. I want to start eating healthy and lower my blood

  35. Ursula Mitchell

    February 15, 2021 Reply

    Thank you for the 1. tip,even before my book arrived. I am so exited to get started on this, because I know the BP meds causing my problems, even though I am told they are not. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to get of these medications .

  36. Frauke A Davidsen

    February 11, 2021 Reply

    Thank you for your excellent advice.

  37. Frauke A Davidsen

    February 11, 2021 Reply

    Thank you for your excellent advice. I do look forward to your book.

  38. Debbie Gorton

    February 4, 2021 Reply

    Thank you for the tips!

  39. Sherill

    February 3, 2021 Reply

    I am excited to get started thank you for being there God Bless

  40. Joan Tarr

    November 4, 2020 Reply

    Thank you for helps to lower blood pressure and eat healthy. Looking forward to receiving your book in mail!

  41. Sherrol Nicholls

    October 29, 2020 Reply

    Thank you for the tips! Awaiting the arrival of the book.

  42. Mureen B

    October 22, 2020 Reply

    Thanks for the info. Awaiting my book

  43. Elaine Bischof

    October 19, 2020 Reply

    Thanks for the info. Looking forward to getting the book!

  44. Joan E Collier

    September 15, 2020 Reply

    Thank you for the tips, I feel good about this new journey.

  45. Sharon Alsbrook

    September 10, 2020 Reply

    Thanks for 3 tips, waiting on my book and materials...God bless

  46. Shirley Williams

    August 1, 2020 Reply

    I am excited about this new journey in my life...... I’ve always wondered if I could beat this thing that’s called blood...... Can’t wait to find out.

  47. Nanci Little

    July 30, 2020 Reply

    I just started. Thanks for the tips. I can’t wait to try them. My book is on its way. I’ve got my highlighter ready!

  48. Ted Suthers

    July 23, 2020 Reply

    Just getting started but seems to be helping

  49. Gerald

    July 10, 2020 Reply

    Thanks for the info. Looking forward to results.

  50. Reggie

    April 14, 2020 Reply

    Thanks. Just getting started. 60 grams of carbs is hard to do. Will keep on trucking

  51. Michael S.

    April 6, 2020 Reply

    I'm looking forward to beginning my new journey to a lower blood pressure. I eagerly await the arrival of your book: The Blood Pressure Solution.

  52. Barbara E Lashley

    April 4, 2020 Reply

    Just getting started

  53. krishan sachdeva

    March 28, 2020 Reply

    Thank you for the Tips.
    Looking forward to read the Book

  54. Anita Kamaka

    March 21, 2020 Reply

    I'm very determined to find my way out of BP meds. I've been very unbalanced since I first took any. And I've taken many different brands. I do have heart irregularities. One med made this so bad, I thought it was the end.

  55. Joseph Graham

    March 16, 2020 Reply

    Just getting started!
    I truly feel good about you!

  56. Hfleming

    February 3, 2020 Reply

    Just getting started

  57. Lee Fulller

    January 21, 2020 Reply

    I got bit by a tick around my age 40 I’m not supposed to eat any beef are pork. I have what they call line disease. I were a big eater of all fats and steaks pork. Now I’m only eat the birds and vegetables.

  58. Marsha Hirschhorn

    January 10, 2020 Reply

    Very helpful Tips, Glad I joined!

    • Marsha Hirschhorn

      January 10, 2020 Reply

      Thank you!

  59. Daniel Moore

    December 6, 2019 Reply

    Thank you Dr. Marlene, not much to say right now just thanks for the information,
    I’m ON IT. Book should arrive tomorrow. Waiting!
    Thanks again will stay connected and follow up, and the plans.

  60. Jeralee

    November 6, 2019 Reply

    Ty for the good tips!

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