Probiotics: The Healing Powers of Bacteria

February 2, 2015   |   4 Comments   |   0

Inside your belly resides bacteria- some are the ‘good guys’ and some are the ‘bad guys’.

The ‘good guys’ are called probiotics, which naturally occur in your body, and have a lot to do with your overall state of healthiness.

In fact, more than 200 studies support the proper function of this system as being the single most important factor influencing your health and achieving your fat loss goals.

But, certain things that you innocently do everyday can cause their toxic enemies to gain control and cause a lot of damage to your body.

Probiotics (the good germs) help with your digestion and support your immune system (which is a big deal), as they defend your body against the ‘bad guys’.

On a good day, your bacterial ratio is in the ballpark of 5:1, in favor of the ‘good guys’, and all is well with your general level of health.

However, certain things can cause unrest by upsetting the natural balance in your belly.

This results in a host of uncomfortable digestive issues (constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, acid reflux, indigestion).

But not only that, when the ‘bad guys’ take over, you can also suffer from skin problems, muscle and joint pain and inflammation, fatigue, a weak immune system and even fat gain!



*Antibiotics, while designed to fend off infection, cause total annihilation.  These medications kill both good and bad bacteria, which creates imbalance.

*Over-the-counter-pain medications (the common stuff we take for a headache)

*Chemo and radiation therapy


*Non-organic meats (most are pumped full of antibiotics)

*Junk food (bad bacteria and yeast thrive when supplied with ingredients found in processed foods, especially sugar!)

*Alcohol, cigarettes and stress (nothing good comes from these)


A good start to regaining the proper balance of bacteria in your belly is to consume more fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar (the organic kind with “mother, is best), squash, onions, turnips, carrots and pickles.

No doubt, you’re familiar with the traditional suggestion for restoring your digestive health…yogurt.

However, with so many potential problems associated with consuming homogenized/pasteurized dairy products, not to mention the sugar and artificial sweeteners that most (if not all) of them contain, yogurt isn’t always a good choice.

In fact, if you ever make the common mistake of choosing artificial “sweeteners” for the sake of saving calories…

There’s a very strong likelihood that your gut bacteria is completely out of balance.

…and even worse, that “TOXIC belly bugs” have already begun to take over your entire gastrointestinal tract and spread throughout your body.

That’s right. According to a recent study performed at Duke University, commonly used artificial sweeteners contain a chlorine atom that is devastatingly lethal to the good bacteria in your gut.

This can do a MASSIVE amount of damage to the delicate cells of your body while accelerating aging and completely obliterating your immune system.

The good news is that you can REVERSE this devastating trend, starting today. Learn more by watching the quick video on the next page about naturally boosting your body’s belly-bugs…

nextpage (1)


  1. Kingham

    February 7, 2015 Reply

    This blog post was very helpful to me. I'm sure others will see it useful as well.

  2. diane dolan

    February 2, 2015 Reply

    Are pill form probiotics good for us ?

    • Mike Arco

      February 5, 2015 Reply

      Hi Diane! While getting your daily serving of probiotics from food sources -like yogurt- is important, I'm partial to supplement (pill) form, as with most of my nutrient supplementation. Obviously, it's critically important to pick the right one, but when you do, taking your probiotics --and other nutrients for that matter-- in supplement form allows you to take a standardized dose of the nutrient and know exactly what form of the nutrient your taking (ie what strains of probiotics, in what amounts). Typically, the quality and purity of the nutrients in supplements are much higher and more closely regulated than those pre-mixed into foods. Don't get me wrong, I'm a passionate advocate of using foods to feed our body's nutritional needs...BUT, it's a sad fact (nonetheless a true one) that our nutrient-deprived foods these days just can't cut it anymore...not without the critical support of proper nutriet supplementation.

  3. Anna Poulin

    February 2, 2015 Reply

    Yogurt unfortunately has been turned into a junk food by the giant food manufacturers...
    please see Cornucopia's report on yogurt...General Mills, Groupe Danone, Walmart, Pepsi and others have managed to turn this healthy staple into quasi-junk food...
    American people if they want to eat healthy unadulterated yogurt need to find farmers who raise healthy cows (the Jersey cow) and DO NOT pasteurize their milk...
    and learn how to make their own yogurt or buy it from a farm that does.

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