Organic Milk VS Regular Milk: Is There a Big Difference?

April 24, 2019   |   Leave a comment   |   2

Got milk? If so, is it organic or regular? Milk may do a body good, but does organic or regular do a body better? Get your swim caps and goggles on because we’re about to take a deep dive into a tall glass of bubbly milk.

Milk Starts Out the Same

Generally speaking, all milk, whether it’s organic or regular, starts out the same. Cows are bred and raised on dairy farms. Here, their daily life is also fairly identical. They are milked usually 2 to 3 times each day, every day. When they are not being milked, they are usually eating. They must eat enough each day to be able to produce milk consistently.

So far it looks like organic cows and “regular” cows live the exact same life? So what makes them different from each other?

You Are What You Eat

To understand the fundamental difference between organic milk and regular milk, we have to look at the cows’ diet. Organic milk comes from cows that have been allowed to naturally graze on grasses and other vegetation. Regular milk, on the other hand, comes from cows that do not have as much freedom to roam and are therefor fed a diet of corn and other grains, much like meat cows.

Another big difference is that when cows are not allowed to roam freely and are, instead, housed in small barns for hours every day, diseases can easily spread between them. To combat this, dairy farmers must give their housed cows antibiotics. They may also be eating corn and other grain that was grow using pesticides and herbicides.

So the basic differences in organic milk and regular milk all boils down to the kind of life the cows lead. So how do these varying lifestyles play into the milk that we end up drinking?

Organic VS Regular Milk: Which Offers More Nutrition?

Let’s start by pointing out the elephant in the room. Regular milk comes from cows that eat grains grown using pesticides and herbicides. These cows have also been given antibiotics and maybe even hormones and steroids. So the milk that comes from them also contains traces of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones and steroids. And you’re drinking it!

But beyond that, we have to ask if regular milk offers the same nutrients that organic milk does. We know all milk is an excellent source of calcium, and that calcium is necessary for strong teeth and bones. But what you may not realize is that calcium is also important for contraction of muscles as well as hormone production and the transmission of messages via our nervous system. But regular milk offers plenty of it, so let’s move on and look at some of the other specific nutrients regular milk offers:


You know that protein is necessary to build strong muscles, skin, cartilage and bone. But did you also know that protein helps synthesize blood, as well as important hormones and enzymes?

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential to strong teeth and bones. All of that calcium in milk cannot get inside teeth and bones without aid from Vitamin D. Vitamin D also boost the immune system and can improve mood and energy levels.

Vitamin B12

You might have gone to your doctor to get a B12 shot when you had been feeling tired all of the time. B12 is very effective at naturally boosting our energy levels. This is because B12 is necessary for the proper formation of red blood cells (that carry oxygen) and other bodily functions.


When you think potassium, you probably think banana. But red meat and milk contain a generous amount of potassium and that’s a good thing. Potassium is really important for regulating blood pressure and the rhythm of your heart beat. Potassium is an also an important ingredient when it comes to combating osteoporosis, renal disease, and stroke.

As you can see, regular milk offers some pretty important nutrients that benefit our health. can organic milk stack up?

Organic Milk

Okay, so let’s see what organic milk may offer that regular milk doesn’t. We know that organic milk is all-natural and does not contain antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, steroids or hormones. That’s an excellent start right there.

Nutrition-wise, organic milk also contains beneficial vitamins D and B12, as well as potassium for healthy blood pressure and heart rhythm, proteins to build your entire body and calcium for strong teeth and bones.

The big nutritional difference between organic milk and regular milk is that, because organic milk is produced from cows that have been allowed to graze on grasses and other vegetation, their milk contains the fatty acid omega-3.

If you’ve read this blog before, you know we’ve talked a lot about the numerous health benefits of omega-3s. Omega-3 is a powerful fighter against inflammation. Why is this so important? Because studies have now concluded that inflammation is the root cause of disease. The more foods containing omega-3 you eat, the less likely you are to develop chronic, debilitating and even deadly diseases.

Organic milk also contains 60% more alpha-linolenic acid than regular milk, which is important for your heart and blood vessels, and 41% more conjugated linoleic acid, which has been shown to combat obesity, food allergies and even cancer.

So, Is There a Big Difference?

Yes, there certainly is. Organic milk is free of harmful toxins that can make you and your family sick. And, because it offers important fatty acids like omega-3, you can protect yourself from inflammation and the resulting diseases. In our opinion, that is more than enough reason to reach for the carton of milk marked “organic”.

Now you may be asking, “What if I am lactose intolerant and can’t drink milk?” As you may know, you can also get omega-3s from fatty fish like salmon and tuna. So now you may be asking, “What if I don’t like fish?” If getting your omega-3s from food sources poses challenging, then you’ll have to turn to an omega-3 supplement.

But be on guard, because not all fish-oil supplements on the market are quality. Many are not that potent, or that pure, and a half-hour after taking them, you’re apt to have those awful fishy burps.

Primal Labs is pleased to offer DuOmega 3&7. Not only does it contain powerful omega-3, but also omega-7, which is important for heart health. And, we pledge that DuOmega is incredibly potent, pure, and you won’t have any fishy burps.

Try DuOmega 3&7 today and give your health a boost.

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