November 11, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   4

On any given day many of us experience our fair share of stress. Not only does this stress make us…

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October 7, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   3

If you’re like a lot of people, you’re constantly trying a new diet in an effort to finally lose weight….

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September 30, 2020   |   1 Comment   |   4

Are you one of those people who can’t hold down your end of a conversation in the morning until you’ve…

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July 15, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   3

If you suffer from joint pain and stiffness, you are definitely not alone. According to the CDC, in 2002, roughly…

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July 8, 2020   |   1 Comment   |   6

If you are over the age of 50, chances are you are paying a lot more attention now to how…

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July 1, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   3

If you’ve read this blog before, then you know how important omega-3 fatty acids are for your health. You probably…

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June 24, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   4

There’s a lot of discussion about industrially-processed oils. Some people claim they hold absolutely no value. Well, that depends on…

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June 17, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   5

“All disease begins in the gut.”  -Hippocrates, Father of medicine   There sure is a lot of talk these days…

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June 10, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   16

One of the best signs of springs is when you start to see apricots become available. These delicious stone fruits…

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June 3, 2020   |   Leave a comment   |   17

If you’re like most people, each spring you partake in a battle between your lawn and those dreaded dandelions. As…

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